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Physical Intelligence: How to use the amazing technology of the body to achieve outstanding resilience and endurance.

Liberty HR Recruitment is pleased to announce that our HR Leaders’ Forum in October focusses on Physical Intelligence. In this highly interactive talk, Kevin Chapman (Director of the Physical Intelligence Institute) and Claire Dale (award winning author and BBC Radio personality) will take us on a whistle-stop tour of how the body holds the key […]




12:30 pm - 1:30 pm



Liberty HR Recruitment is pleased to announce that our HR Leaders’ Forum in October focusses on Physical Intelligence.

In this highly interactive talk, Kevin Chapman (Director of the Physical Intelligence Institute) and Claire Dale (award winning author and BBC Radio personality) will take us on a whistle-stop tour of how the body holds the key to high performance. If surviving the stresses of supporting hybrid-working and coaching people through continual change are current challenges, or if you’d like to understand the science of how to resource yourself and your organisation with more energy and productivity then why not join us?

Physical Intelligence (PI) is the most significant intelligence for the 21st Century because it underpins our Emotional and Cognitive Intelligences – and yet it has been sorely neglected. Using PI techniques we can achieve up to 62% improvement in cognitive function and 42% reduction in emotional and mental pressure associated with stress.

In this session Kevin and Claire will outline a strategy that you can apply personally to achieve your highest performance. They will also talk about why we need to train coaches in Physical Intelligence too.

There will be inspiring stories about how organisations have become physically intelligent and there’ll be quizzes, practical exercises, lots of take-aways, and a chance to ask questions too. As usual, the session will start at 12.30pm and last for approximately an hour.

Kevin Chapman is a highly experienced coach, consultant, trainer, communication specialist and business leader. He has significant commercial experience in both consulting with organisations and leadership teams as well as designing and delivering leadership and high performance coaching.

Movement Specialist, leading exponent of Physical Intelligence, International speaker and co-author of the award winning book Physical Intelligence (Business Book of the Year 2020) Claire Dale successfully coaches, trains and consults from board level down to newly hired employees to help them achieve peak performance through Physical Intelligence.

So to book your place on this FREE online session, just email us at for your joining instructions.

We look forward to seeing you!


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