Martine believes that relatively few people today are really good, free thinkers and that those who are become that way through some form of study or through work that has enabled them to learn the skills of effective thinking. This event will explain how becoming more conscious moment to moment of what’s going on in our minds, we can learn to take control and direct our thinking to stay focused on what we want. This, in turn, will help to bring about more of the positive outcomes that are desired and less of the unwanted outcomes. Martine will remind us that our thinking is our super-power and, that if we learn to direct it more consciously, we can have all the tools needed to create positive outcomes in every part of our lives.
Martine Bolton is a personal development consultant with experience in the private and public sectors. She has specialised in recent years in leadership and management development. With an interest in the power of the mind and high-performance thinking, Martine currently assists organisations in improving their results through transforming the thinking, emotions and actions that produce them. With an engaging and interactive facilitation style, Martine makes learning an enjoyable and rewarding experience. She is used to working with varied and diverse audiences, and across all operational levels.